cyttorak feats. Onslaught was a sentient psionic entity created from the consciousness of two extremely powerful mutants: Professor Charles Xavier and Magneto. cyttorak feats

Onslaught was a sentient psionic entity created from the consciousness of two extremely powerful mutants: Professor Charles Xavier and Magnetocyttorak feats  Which of the two is most powerful? Takes place on neutral territory

Trigon has feats as he hasan't been imprisoned in his own dimension for a billion years. Kinda pointless as one person could make a baseless claim saying he's >Odin, and another claiming he's = Galactus. Since the Gem of Cyttorak gave Juggernaut his abilities, he has become one of the most powerful X-Men foes. Forums 2 Colossus: Agent of Cyttorak Once Colossus cracked the indestructible veneer of the Juggernaut, really the only place he could go after that was to become Juggy himself. 1. "Trigon edges him out. threads. 12 years ago the darknessssTrigon vs Dormammu. His power has been increased even further when he became Cyttorak's avatar and later a host for the Phoenix Force. Making a deal with Mephisto, he returned to life as a Ghost Rider in order to punish the Mad Titan. . . . Forum Jump:. Hell lords vs skyfathers. Cy would make him his b!tch and force him and Juggs to make out for his perverted amusement. We very rarely see Cyttorak in action so it's difficult to say what exactly his power level is. Galactus and Dr. Invulnerability: The Juggernaut has body armor that gives Unearthly protection and a CL1000 force field covering his entire body that protects against physical and energy attacks, radiation, toxins, corrosives, cold, heat, and gases. threads. Cyttorak doesnt have feats to contend with Franklin. magical attacks but none against psionic attacks. When the Avengers come to the rescue, Thor and Captain Marvel power through many of the Juggernauts with little effort in their destruction, a feat of strength Thanos proves he is not capable of completing. he found he could transform into a 1000-pound “Juggernaut Jr. Cytorrak is an almost featless character, that's why threads like these never really get conclusive answers. Surtur. Recently, Colossus has become an agent of Cyttorak, a near. Shuma has no feats. Franklin Richards VS Cyttorak -Richards is allowed childhood and adult feats. And yes, Ken is extremely strong and has great feats of strength to the level. Zarathos isn't even in the conversation here, and Dormammu stomps Cyttorak. His Crimson Gem is what gave the Juggernaut his powers, and he is also one of the principalities that Doctor Strange used to draw upon to empower his spells. Originally posted by eaebiakuya. The "Agent of God" Equation. 0. In the film, Juggernauts best feat seems to be collapsing the interstate. In Uncanny X-Men #12, Professor Xavier fills the X-Men in on the Juggernaut's origin. He beats Maxima. feats to date, Cyttorak has more impressive ones. IMPORTANT NOTE: I HAVE MARKED THE FEATS FOR PHASE 2 ONSLAUGHT WITH A FOOTNOTE TO DIFFERENTIATE THEM FROM PHASE 1 ONSLAUGHT'S FEATS. 14 Captain Marvel First Appearance: Marvel Super-Heroes (Vol. Khorne (wh40k) vs Cyttorak (mc) The Main problem is Cyttorak "feats" are more hearsay but the fact that fractions of his power has crushed dimensional barriers by physical force and later merged. 2. Colossus-Big C. Chaos King kills. Thor with Belt of strength, Magic Gauntlets, Odin Force Shield, Warrior's Madness (and he opens the fight with a godblast) 3. Cyttorak will beat Phoenix Force in Crimson Cosmos. This thread is archived. 0. They began to argue over whose power was the. Cyttorak and Khorne enter into a contest with one another to see who can create the most powerful Avatar. Eh, he's a specialist extradimensional power. Ercosore. Cyttorak is an ancient god who was worshiped by the beings of Earth until he was banished and moved to the timeless realm of the Crimson Cosmos. I don't think its something I can prove though. The fight ultimately ends with Thor entangling Marco's fist with his hammer loop and banishing him even deeper into space via portal magic. so new on here, havent seen this one around. Tier: At least 2-C Name: Cyttorak, Cyttorak the Destroyer, Lord of Oblivion. And yet, people still want to use him in vs. ” and perform many of the feats his father could. Set (not Seth) vs. Cain Marko, who is the stepbrother of the X-Men's founder Professor Xavier, is empowered by the eldritch being called Cyttorak after touching the Crimson Gem many years ago. Cain has made Thor look like a fool on more than one occasion, and took the god blast as if someone threw a notebook at him. Who will win in a fight between Galactus & Franklin Richards (Adult) and Dormammu & Cyttorak?1. If Colossus gets more feats in that form in the future, it might at least be debatable, but as it stands, a single fight is insufficient to claim Colossus would win. Follow 8235. An author has stated that Shuma and Cyttorak are the same tier entity but in terms of feats Cyttorak seems much stronger (Or seems like it because Cyttorak only ever shows up in his home dimension where he is all powerful). Cyttorak is the dark god that empowers Juggernaut. . be interested to see how this battle takes place on the pannnal however i have to agreee with the consesuss that cyttorak would win because the great beast is an unknown element. What feats does have Cyttorak have, other than hype? Yeah, like I said, if you look at just what each one has done on panel, clearly Odin is far more impressive. Juggernaut and Thor. Dormammu has better feats, but Cyttorak was established as more powerful Extra Dimensional and magical entity. RELATED: Raising Cain: 10 Heroes Juggernaut. Normally I'd say Sloroith wins vs Cyttorak. -Takes place in the Crimson Cosmos. Cyttorak would destroy them. 1,000 years ago, Cyttorak participated in the Wager of the Octessence, a contest between himself, Watoom, Valtorr, Balthakk, Farallah, Ikonn, Krakkan, and Raggadorr, to determine which of them was the most powerful. I've done as much research on the character as possible and found not many feats by Cyttorak himself, but found a few things to suggest his power. How can be Tyrant below skyfather level when he DP Tyrant is around skyfather level (in my opinion above skyfather). A being from the Dark Dimension, this scary but powerful demon-like being has shown feats such as distorting Strange's astral form, capturing Strange in the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak and turned. Cyttorak VS Thunderbolt -Win by any means. Cyttorak was first mentioned by Doctor Strange when he used to Crimson Bands of Cyttorak to free an entranced woman in 1964 story from Strange Tales #124, by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. Cyttorak has 0 feats of his own to be compared with on this level. JakeTheBank. Kid Kurdy. With the introduction of Doctor Fate in the DCU's Black Adam, fans are wondering who would win between DC's sorcerer and his Marvel counterpart. 1. Mephisto Blackheart Dormammu Cyttorak Satannish Surtur pluto. Originally posted by Colossus-Big C cyttorak hardley has any feats. Cyttorak easily. Cy would make him his b!tch and force him and Juggs to make out for his perverted amusement. Here are ten times when Illyana seemed to be the most powerful mutant in existence! 10 Knocking Out The New Mutants. A great example of this can be found in X-Men #88 (by Alan Davis and Joe Casey), in which Cain Marko became the cosmic. no bfr. Cyttorak is a high level being, but he's not Eternity level, most. Cyttorak empowered Marko with his strength and abilities that enabled him to take on some of the strongest members of the X-Men with ease. An alternate version of Frank Castle. The Fastest Man Alive, Barry Allen, is the Flash. Since the Gem of Cyttorak gave Juggernaut his abilities, he has become one of the most powerful X-Men foes. Cain has made Thor look like a fool on more than one occasion, and took the god blast as if someone threw a notebook at him. cyttorak hardley has any feats. Neither of these people have appeared much, but they are both insanely powerful. Yea, well neither does Cyttorak - unless you count getting beat up by Juggernaut a "feat". Jugg is absolutely invulnerable to all kinds of physical punches and attacks which requires energy (Ki) projections. I think Cyttorak is above Odin. Cyttorak is a million to a billion times stronger and more powerful then his avatar; The Juggernaut. For non-prime setting interactions, that also comes down to who's mystical dimensional/etc mojo is running best at the time. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. trigon cause he has way more feats instead of the hypothetical feats that people pump up cyottorak with , they always say 1-look here are the juggernaut's feats. After Cain Marko is displaced from possessing the Gem of Cyttorak, the source of his cosmic powers, Colossus becomes the agent of the Gem in the human realm. Full Powered Cyttorak(summons his Gem cuts the link with Juggernaut, negates the good Doctor the use of his spells) he uses his own enchantments on him(ala Odin using his own enchanted spear and wearing the Destroyer armor) after using his own echantments on him he turns into a Trion Juggernaut like Demon. Chthon vs Cyttorak. Cyttorak fuels Colossus. he is powerful, i give him, but feat-wise, he still comes short when compared to Shuma-Gorath. the Master of the Crimson Cosmos. Cyttorak also known the Destroyer, Lord of Oblivion, and Master of the Raging Storm, is an immensely powerful extra-dimensional being hailing from the Crimson Cosmos. The strongest you could probably get him is "Obviously more powerful than the strongest versions of Juggernaut. When unleashed, Trigon conquers universes. He had an older stepbrother named Cain Marko, however, who. Cyttorak should technically be able to contend due to some statements. He's powerful enough to literaly ignore hits from Captain Britain, who gains his power from an entire magical dimension, and flatten him with one punch. 10 years ago. . B. Through the portal, multiple Juggernaut-like beasts powered by the magic of Cyttorak emerge, wreaking havoc on downtown Miami. How Powerful is Cyttorak is it true that he was more powerful than the Living Tribunal. While he and his brother were serving the army in Korea, he entered a hidden temple and found the mystical ruby known as the Gem of Cyttorak. 56. As the Avatar of Cyttorak, Marko possesses massive strength, invulnerability, and a domed helmet that protects him from psychic attacks. He's bored with him. this feat alone puts cyttorak above both eternity and oblivion as broovert has mentioned cyttorak>shuma gorath>>>Zom>Eternity>Galactus. Piotr Nikolaievitch Rasputin (Russian: Пётр Николаевич Распутин) was born on the Soviet collective farm, called the Ust-Ordynski Collective, near Lake Baikal in Siberia. The X-Men, Fantastic Four, Avengers and even Doctor Doom opposed Onslaught, and after Thor freed Xavier, Onslaught became even more powerful. Cytorrak is stupidily overrated for a. 9 years ago EisenfausteSpells are incarntations used to invoke Magic. That could literally apply to Cyttorak as well. there's a lack of feats, so implied power is best bet assume they are out for the kill since neither wants the other to ever interfere with/alter their agents on Earth again. Fully rests between each fight. Zeus 4. Saren. Cyttorak explained that since villains are often in hiding or locked up, Cain's gifts of destruction had been sporadic, whereas as a superhero, Colossus causes endless destruction that serves as "an eternal banquet. Summary. and. It's worth noting that Dormammu's called on him for the Crimson Bands. Jin was a member of the village near Cyttorak’s temple. As detailed below, Juggernaut’s power varies based on how much power Cyttorak gives him most of the time, and at his peak Cain Marko has been given more power by Cyttorak than any other host, meaning it should be reasonable to include feats performed by these other characters as examples of what Cain could do at his strongest. be interested to see how this battle takes place on the pannnal however i have to agreee with the consesuss that cyttorak would win because the great beast is an unknown element. Tyrant is around skyfather level or a little bit below. 5 years ago. I've done as much research on the character as possible and found not many feats by Cyttorak himself, but found a few things to suggest his power. Marvel Unlimited Cyttorak is an immensely powerful magical deity, who is omnipotent within his Crimson Cosmos. got to love people giving answers without having any feats from cyttorak aside of being more powerful than one of the 5 phoenix force avatars which is high herald- low trans at best. The following contains spoilers for Black Adam, now playing in theaters. Tiering System: High 2-A Name: Cyttorak,. However, since Cain. Cain Marko, also known as Juggernaut is the step-brother of Charles Xavier and one of the many known enemies of the X-Men. and smacking Cyttorak. When he was born, Professor Xavier's step-brother was merely a normal human named Cain Marko, but he was granted superhuman strength and endurance by the demonic entity Cyttorak when he touched a. Cyttorak stomps. The three are then hunted by Spider-Woman, Storm, Angel and Colossus, who are able to dispatch Black Tom and Siryn. Onslaught was a sentient psionic entity created from the consciousness of two extremely powerful mutants: Professor Charles Xavier and Magneto. Here are some feats for Cyttorak. Vishanti are wary of Cyttorak So Cyttorak is either equal or more powerful than Vishanti 1 member of Vishanti is Oshtur and Elder God Elder Gods>Zeus Also I found a quote by Tom Brevoort a Marvel. I don't see how he loses this. That said, Cyttorak kind of lacks feats so Nekron could win based on that. Sorta like the battles with Superman Prime One Million and a few of the high abstracts in the Marvel/DC realms. Juggernaut has been one of the X-Men's toughest villains since almost the beginning. Cain has made Thor look like a fool on more than one occasion, and took the god blast as if someone threw a notebook at him. Cyttorak is such a powerful being that he is able to send a lot of power Strange's way, which is spotlighted in the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak. in the crimson cosmosCy would make him his b!tch and force him and Juggs to make out for his perverted amusement. In Marvel Adventures Hulk #10, Bruce Banner is on an archeological dig and makes the mistake of asking Cain for directions. So, Tyrant loses. The rampage of Juggernaut during the Trion saga left many dimensions merged together. Discussion; Bug Reporting; Delete/Combine PagesCyttorak has only given Juggernaut a fraction of his power, and Juggernaut had made many people in the Marvel Universe look like children. Which is pretty meaningless though. I don't know too much about Cyttorak feats so if Juggernaut has an advantage in any round give Odin the destroyer armor or that fancy sword he has. ". That's just going to make matters worst for him because what the Penance Star will do is make Cain's inner conscious hide in the background and allow Cyttorak to take over the Juggernaut body. Cytorrak is an elder god, Odin is just a. #1 Edited By xyrzrockrain. They are placed in a neutral dimension to battle it out. Once a materialistic and greedy neurosurgeon, Strange's medical career was left in pieces after a debilitating car accident which severely damaged the nerves of his hands and made him unable to ever conduct an operation again. Cyttorak definately wins this. . Cyttorak has no fighting feats apart from being defeated by Juggernaut in his own gem to wrestle back his powers, dont know why anyone would pick Cyttorak. Cyttorak is a demon with mastery over the Crimson energy within the. . Follow 1695. The Eye of Agamotto. TheTyrant. Khorne will give all his power and favor to one avatar instead of spreading it across legions. the Master of the Crimson Cosmos. Cyttorak vs Krona in a neutral dimension. And yet, people still want to use him in vs. A mystical entity, he is the deity that powers Juggernaut through the artifact. Upon wielding it, the gem transformed Marko into the fierce Juggernaut. 6 years ago. cyttorak hardley has any feats. Superman has 10 days prep. chthon is not an. His Crimson Gem is what gave the Juggernaut his powers, and he is also one of the principalities that Doctor Strange used to draw upon to empower his spells. 12 years ago Cypher's GambitCyttorak has no feats but you are positive galactus fully fed can beat him, even though he doesnt exist and never will. The Superhero Database Classification number, or SHDB Class, is a number that represents the overall 'power' of a character. Cyttorak is logically multitudes more powerful than Trigon Juggernaut. So, Tyrant loses. R1: Juggernaut - fully powered by Cyttorak vs Odin. Name: Cyttorak, Cyttorak the Destroyer, Lord of Oblivion. #2. It is greatly appreciated if you help out by reporting rule violations in this thread, and if it does not gain attention, report the incident directly to the VS Battles staff. Forum Posts. ". He is just about everytime (barring a short incomplete fight during war of seven spheres) a source of power and a. A mystical entity, he is the deity that powers Juggernaut through the artifact known as Crimson Gem of Cyttorak. He eventually reaches the crimson cosmos. Even though Cyttorak didn't actually appear until the 1990s, his power has fueled the super-strong X-Men villain Juggernaut and been invoked by Doctor Strange since the 1960s. Originally posted by rougeredmage. Odin is no where near the lvl cyttorak is at. He's one of the most incredibly powerful characters that Marvel has ever created and really is a god within that universe. Origin: Marvel Comics. He is just about everytime (barring a short incomplete fight during war of seven spheres) a source of power and a. This ancient and magical artifact was passed down from Agamotto, a Sorcerer Supreme in 1,000,000 BC and one-third of the Vishanti (god-like entities that council Sorcerer Supremes). Cyttorak's violent aspect empowers his avatar, the Juggernaut, via. Cyttorak does have feats inside of the multiverse/universe. ". Technically, the Crimson God did affect this feat - but to Piotr's detriment, not his benefit! Indeed, this feat best displays what happens when an immovable object meets an unstoppable force. Furthermore, Mephista burned Cyttorak's bands like nothing. I'd even go so far as to say Shuma's servant Ghaszaszh Nyirh could go toe-to-toe with Cyttorak on his own. The only appearance that I recall of him is in the Onslaught saga. Cyttorak vs. 0. Dormy, without too many issues. Cyttorak an eternal extradimensional entity that surpasses the status of an Elder God. Invulnerability: The Juggernaut has body armor that gives Unearthly protection and a CL1000 force field covering his entire body that protects against physical and energy attacks, radiation, toxins, corrosives, cold, heat, and gases. Cyttorak's or Shuma's energies can't be sacrificed since their energy is eternal and infinite. However, with the evidence given in the MCU of Thanos’ power level in relation to the Juggernaut’s most impressive victory, Juggernaut proves he is stronger than Thanos. Illyana Nikolievna Rasputin, the indomitable mutant known as Magik, is a super-humanly powerful mutant with the power of teleportation, as well as being an unbelievably powerful and gifted. If Cyttorak is at the same level as Agamotto, then he should be able to defeat Odin. Wiki Points. #1 Edited By XxdeathmakerxX. . Kinda pointless as one person could make a baseless claim saying he's >Odin, and another claiming he's = Galactus. Galactus fully fed is a meme generated by GAlactus fanboys to make him more. Stephen Vincent Strange is the Sorcerer Supreme of the Earth Dimension. Steve used the Gem to warp reality; D'Spayre used the gem to warp reality (the universe) Juggernaut punched holes and shattered some. cyttorak hardley has any feats. The Crimson Gem of Cyttorak was an ancient jewel powered by Cyttorak to transform one into the Juggernaut. Effortlessly rips the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak out of the Juggernaut's body. Cyttorak has only given Juggernaut a fraction of his power, and Juggernaut had made many people in the Marvel Universe look like children. Meanwhile, Strange had to fuse with a. As his name implies, the One-Above-All is basically Marvel's most powerful god. Bill Cipher is a triangular dream demon who exists in the Mind/Dreamscape and the true antagonist of Gravity Falls, secretly being responsible for many of the most important events of and leading up to the show. CYTTORAK Cyttorak is an immensely powerful deity, ruler of the Crimson Cosmos and supplier of power to his avatar, the unstoppable Juggernaut. Cyttorak's feats are seen through his avatar, Trion was juggernauts most powerful form, and is still not the full might of cyttorak. Tyrant is around skyfather level or a little bit below. Hell lords vs skyfathers. Cyttorak is an immensely powerful magical deity, who is omnipotent within his Crimson Cosmos. Cyttorak doesn't have "feats" but going by what we've seen from trion Juggernaut its not hard to believe Cyttoraks power is impressive but i can't say if he'd win or lose by that alone . Kinda pointless as one person could make a baseless claim saying he's >Odin, and another claiming he's = Galactus. Cyttorak has only given Juggernaut a fraction of his power, and Juggernaut had made many people in the Marvel Universe look like children. The thing is Jesus had feats when he fought Zeus. He was worshiped as a God and a Demon by the primitive humans of Earth. Illyana bears many titles; Colossus' younger sister, the Darkchylde of Limbo, and the Phoenix are just a few. All Juggernaut needed at the time and now is better mastery and to siphon the power better than him. Cyttorak banned some PF5 from his realm. He turned the FF into video signals. He had an older stepbrother named Cain Marko, however, who. #3 Edited By Achilles. Cyttorak has all of Juggernaut's feats to his name - like with Trion Juggernaut punching holes through reality and D'Spayre being able to control the fabric of reality with Cyttorak's power. And yet, people still want to use him in vs. That said, among the Incredible Hulk's most amazing feats of strength are: The shockwaves from the Hulk's collision with Ironclad reached an infinite number of dimensions through the Crossroads nexus,. threads. Gender: Unspecified. It's one. We very rarely see Cyttorak in action so it's difficult to say what exactly his power level is. 0. He could locate cosmic anomalies, such as black holes, timeline shifts, etc. there's a lack of feats, so implied power is best bet assume they are out for the kill since neither wants the other to ever interfere with/alter their agents on Earth again. Given the few feats Cyttorak has himself along with the feats Juggernaut has, and character statements, it is a damn good thing the demon is locked up. Forum Posts. Sealed in a realm beyond time and space, Shuma-Gorath only craves to destroy, conquer or devour as many dimensions as his tentacles can reach. Trigon has feats as he hasan't been imprisoned in his own dimension for a billion years. Stephen Vincent Strange is the Sorcerer Supreme of the Earth Dimension. Hoggoth is so connected to his people that he can call upon their spirits for great feats of power, through which he is their host, hence the "hosts of Hoggoth" being. Wrong. chthon is a elemental being. Cyttorak (Own Realm) vs COIE Anti Monitor (inYeah, it's pretty much all speculation, since he has very little feats. Cyttorak was first mentioned in Strange Tales #124 ("The Lady from Nowhere", Sept. Cyttorak Stomps. And he didn't do much. Cyttorak vs Odin. Cyttorak himself doesn't really have many feats, being a background character, there are some characters who use powers related to him, which all seem to relate to the idea of unstoppability or immovability. cyttorak will definitely be alot stronger in this realm than chathon. New Comics. Round 2: Cain Marko as Trion Juggernaught vs Chaos Marine. And what feats does Cyttorak have to fight a Celestial? "Dspeir with a little part of Cyttoraks power was able to control the 616 universe. 1. Somehow, with less effort than. Due to the fact this entire species was wiped out, it isn't exactly known what they did to incur Odin's wrath; they might have ruthlessly invaded. 2. He should also be. Dormy, without too many issues. Within this temple was the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak, a magical artifact that would possess anyone who accepted its power with the essence of Cyttorak himself, turning that person into the demon-god’s avatar on Earth, a living Juggernaut–an offer Marko gladly accepted. Juggernaut ( Cain Marko) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. As such, he is the single most powerful character in the universe who is rarely seen by his creations save for a few memorable encounters over the years. In the Crimson Cosmos Cyttorak should be omnipotent. They fight to the deathjust saying that he has no feats whatsoever to show that he IS. 6 years ago. 1. bumpppppppp. 2. threads. RELATED: Raising Cain: 10 Heroes Juggernaut Easily Destroyed @Outside_85: Hyperbole aside Cyttorak has 0 feats outside his own realm, people use ABC logic to give him feats performed by Trion Juggernaut but its like saying Superman is powered by yellow sun. @Outside_85: Hyperbole aside Cyttorak has 0 feats outside his own realm, people use ABC logic to give him feats performed by Trion Juggernaut but its like saying Superman is powered by yellow sun. Cyttorak (demonic ruler of an alternate dimension) had created the gem in order to transform a human host into an avatar of himself, as part of a bet with 7 other powerful demons. Doctor Strange used the bands to restrain Kaecilius during the Battle at the New York Sanctum and conjured the spell variant to restrain Thanos and his Infinity Gauntlet during the Battle of Titan. So Cyttorak would win, even outside Crimson Cosmos. Cyttorak has only given Juggernaut a fraction of his power, and Juggernaut had made many people in the Marvel Universe look like children. Colossus-Big C. and thingies. The Void is pulled away from the Negative Zone and Cyttorak is pulled away from the Crimson Cosmos. In a war between Cyttorak's Avatar and Serpent's minion, Cyttorak's Avatar came out on top with the Serpent TPing his slave away at. Cyttorak has no fighting feats apart from being defeated by Juggernaut in his own gem to wrestle back his powers, dont know why anyone would pick Cyttorak. He was warping the entire planet with his power. . Manhattan with ease. What feats does Cyttorak have that put him above Zeus and Odin? Zeus and Odin are immortals that can die. Those are. Cyttorak is an ancient god who was worshiped by the beings of Earth until he was banished and moved to the timeless realm of the Crimson Cosmos. Cain Marko, the Unstoppable Juggernaut, possesses the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak and all the power it bestows. Fight 1: Cyttorak's realm Fight 2: Muspelheim Fight 3: Neutral universe Surtur can get Twilight Sword and Casket of Ancient Winters if he needs it _____ Sig by Starlock. 9 years agoThe thing is Jesus had feats when he fought Zeus. Cain has made Thor look like a fool on more than one occasion, and took the god blast as if someone threw a notebook at him. However, Doctor Strange has access to a very powerful spell called the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak that can be used to bind his opponents. Druckerei Maschinen, Druck Bedarf und Kontaktefeats to date, Cyttorak has more impressive ones. It comes to a climactic battle between Supes and. "Trigon edges him out. 7593. 6 years ago a team researches about cyttorak for 5 years and plot a master plan to kill it. Here are some feats for Cyttorak. 0. In the few seconds that passed on Earth, Rasputin aged years in Limbo, a. Colossus-Big C. Galactus fully fed is a meme generated by GAlactus fanboys to make him more. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. The Juggernaut stands out from the most powerful X-Men villains in the comics thanks to his tremendous strength and vaunted imperviousness to just about. But for some reason I have a feeling that if they fought in a comic book today, Cyttorak would win. At the start of this article, we said we'd list Colossus' best feats sans Cyttorak's influence. Forum Posts. he is powerful, i give him, but feat-wise, he still comes short when compared to Shuma-Gorath. Arguably the most infamous of all Marvel’s villains, Thanos has a laundry list of formidable feats, at the top of which is wiping out half of all life in Jim Starlin’s Infinity Gauntlet series. What feats does have Cyttorak have, other than hype? Yeah, like I said, if you look at just what each one has done on panel, clearly Odin is far more impressive. Originally posted by rougeredmage. In feats no but his title and duty should make him more powerful than Odin. Gender: Male Age: Unknown Classification: God, Demon Powers and Abilities: Superhuman. ". Cain Marko, also known as Juggernaut is the step-brother of Charles Xavier and one of the many known enemies of the X-Men. Soleran. This is possibly also due to lack of research from the authors. 503 128. He needs to go into the Crimson Cosmos and get out Lois Lane (who for some reason has been held hostage by Cyttorak). ” and perform many of the feats his father could. 11 years ago 7am_Waking_Up_In_The_Morningalso, i don't think Cyttorak is anywhere near Shuma-Gorath's league. Cyttorak decides to take a bit different approach and feeds the 6 original x-men his powers to make them his avatars. I don't see how he loses this. This feat confirms and proves once again, that magical energies of Cyttorak could destroy a single universe. Summary. 1) Slorioth is a big deal if LT needs to step in, and I don't. Odin-----5. Each being would use a magical artifact to create avatars out of the first human to. The Archenemy was taking on every single being in the splinter realms all at once, that included. He has no feats or statements that indicate he is anywhere near the power of The Living Tribunal - most of the time he is considered as being similar in strength. When he was born, Professor Xavier's step-brother was merely a normal human named Cain Marko, but he was granted superhuman strength and endurance by the demonic entity Cyttorak when he touched a. Highfather wins 6/10. Jul 20th, 2012 02:31 AM: eaebiakuya Senior Member. Full Powered Cyttorak(summons his Gem cuts the link with Juggernaut, negates the good Doctor the use of his spells) he uses his own enchantments on him(ala Odin using his own enchanted spear and wearing the Destroyer armor) after using his own echantments on him he turns into a Trion Juggernaut like Demon. While his presence has. But in his defense, even Dormammu spoke of him in awe (calling him "Great". Set (not Seth) vs. Fight 1: Cyttorak's realm Fight 2: Muspelheim Fight 3: Neutral universe Surtur can get Twilight Sword and Casket of Ancient Winters if he needs it. there's a lack of feats, so implied power is best bet assume they are out for the kill since neither wants the other to ever interfere with/alter their agents on Earth again. Follow 451.